Why Our Seed Is Paramount To Our Existence

For those of us who have children, we have a basic concept of the importance of our own lineage – with a connection to them from birth. Each and every one of us comes from the seed or offspring of a certain union. The unique parental coupling brings together all the genetic characteristics, resilience, and proof of existence – into the entire span of our lives, from birth through all eternity. Our seed, and where it took root, is the essence of our existence.

We become anchored by our birth ancestry in both time and history. Whether it is a family tree, the Bible, the Department of Vital Statistics, birth registration, or more recently the DNA ancestry – our seed is our identity and lifeblood.

There is no physical adoption of any human being in the developed world that can be forced or illegal. If the person was stolen, trafficked, exploited, traded, sold, etc. obviously it is not an adoption. So let’s cut to the chase and call it what it is. An illegal adoption of an underage child – is a crime. If the person was not given up for adoption by their mother as a child, and did not consent to an adoption as an adult, they cannot possibly have been adopted.

During the many hours I was forced to listen to an aberrant high school teacher make repeated and brazen claims that I was his daughter, I remember thinking, “How bizarre. Clearly I am not his daughter, and everyone knows that. So why on earth do I have to deal with this trauma”? He used his autocratic and religious teacher authority to make the false claims. He should have been arrested for his stalking and intrusive behaviours, as well as forcibly confining me for hours on end outside of school hours.

Nevertheless, the Alberta teacher made repeated false adoption claims over a very long period of time. It has to be one of the most delusional cons anyone could ever try to conjure up, and get away with. It is beyond the rational mind, yet it became a real belief. People in the school and community believed him. I just kept trying to escape him. It was all about enforcing dominance, control, punishment, and humiliation.

Since we are trending in conspiracies and conspiracy theories these days, this one is a real conspiracy. The teacher made a deal with my older brother when I was a student in school, and set up a sophisticated and nasty plot over my entire life. I got snared into a trap like a scared rabbit.

The teacher was absolutely obsessed with creating some kind of illusory relationship with me. I repeatedly said no. But I could not get free of these consistent and persistent lies. He was extremely aggressive and punitive, just like my big brother. I was ganged up on. After that, they just added more to the mobbing and robbing me of who I am.

The Ten Commandments tell us not to steal. I knew very little about the Bible when I was a young teenager, but I did know the Ten Commandments and a few basic things. I was forced to sit there being stared at by this creepy stranger claiming to be my daddy-god. In actual fact, he was trying to steal my life, my potential, and my soul for all eternity. Pretty serious delusion on his part.

The Ten Commandments tell us to honour our mother and father. Yet I had to listen to hours and hours of diatribe telling me how wicked and non-redeemable my own mother was. This twenty-nine year old religious fundamentalist teacher who came to teach in a small town in Alberta, had an absolute hate-on for our mother. In actual fact – he did not even know her, other than some of the tragedy and gossip surrounding our lives. He used that information and familial vulnerability to exploit and take ownership of a child.

In later years I began to understand the cult doctrine I had been brainwashed with. But it took a very long time to realize the significance of this guy trying to make me part of his own lineage and seed. How absolutely revolting. It is against every single Godly principle in the Bible. It is against all Universal, moral and ethical laws too. Yet he had no qualms about cornering me, staring me down, and insisting that I was his daughter – over and over and over again. Dare I defy him? Bullies have targets. I had the bulls eye on my forehead.

I am still facing the wrath, exclusion, and punitive orders from both this teacher, and my older brother over my refusal to have anything to do with the teacher – but so be it. It has been the struggle of my lifetime. Why some of us have a heavier cross to bear is something we may not know until the final judgement day arrives.

I am far more ashamed at the concept of being part of the teacher’s seed – than I am of the truth. Like everyone else on this earth, I came from the seed of my own mother and father. I am the fourth child of Harold and Joy Stevenson. I grew up with my siblings on a farm in rural Alberta. No one can rob you of the truth and testimony of your own life. At least I knew my parents – and over time have developed much more understanding and compassion for the weaknesses and suffering in their own lives.

But with the teacher, the more time went by – the stranger he seemed. The profound absurdity of it was a constant assault on my psyche and emotions. I must have cried a million tears wondering how I got stuck with the guy. I never could stand him.

My own brother gave me up for adoption (a con), and still uses every bit of power in his arsenal to make it stick. Since when do big brothers get to give their little sisters up for adoption? He is in his late sixties now, and has adhered to this adoption con like crazy glue.

Furthermore, he is one of the major shareholders of Canada’s second largest construction company. He is filthy rich, with a rich reputation and a huge company to defend. Does he care? No. He just cares about making more money, getting more power, and arrogantly abusing that power. That’s the name of his game.

He has his own seed, and offspring to consider. Does he care about them? If he had not pushed this adoption con with such an absolute vengeance, his juvenile history and background would never have surfaced.

This is an example of some of the Universal laws. A family who intentionally and repeatedly hurts a family member, will bring even more pain back onto themselves and their own family. The principles surrounding this must be brought out into the open and admonished. My brother will not even have a conversation with me about any of this. Believe me, I have tried more times than I can count. This is about finally setting some familial boundaries. This blog is kind of like an ongoing reality TV show. I am trying to reach him with some reality checks.

Rule Number One: The answer is NO. Siblings do not get to give their little sisters or brothers up for adoption. Nor do they get to sell them, trade them, kick them out of the family, lie about the fact you were born and raised together, change the seed they came from, or sell their soul to the devil. There will be consequences at some point for having done so.

Maybe we cannot change the past. But this is the present. They still cling to the idea they can punish me for rejecting their lies about my life. They do not own or control my life. I am saying it is long overdue to STOP IT.

Rule Number Two: The answer is NO. Teachers do not get to make a unilateral decision to adopt a student or a child who is clearly not up for adoption. Teachers do not get to chase down and take ownership of a young girl they happen to get the hots for. A twenty-nine year old teacher who is obsessing about adopting a sixteen year old girl who is about to graduate, and was not up for adoption in the first place – is nothing but a pervert. If the objective is to ensnare the child into the mind-altering world of Beelzebub – it is every bit as evil as any other type of child molestation.

Rule Number Three: The answer is NO. You do not support the villain instead of your own family member. Healthy families do not collude with and side with the perpetrator. Very few older brothers would even consider doing such a thing.

My brother knows full well how hurtful it is to damage all these relationships and rip the family apart. I want him to know – he does not get to set the parameters around my life, and restrict what I can and cannot do. He needs to stop the destructive “hate, shame and blame your mother campaigns”. That means he should at least try to overcome his own mother complex for his own sake. Even though she has died – there will be day of reckoning.

We all make many mistakes, and do many wrong things over the course of our lives. The key is to recognize wrongdoings and put a stop to them. Only then can there be true forgiveness and reconciliation. I know my brother is a very rich, and powerful big shot.

He has simultaneously turned me into the extreme opposite – a downtrodden outcast. He made me into a punching bag, and a throwaway, when I was just a child. Then he discovered he could make a deal with the teacher, and exploit my existence. It was one convoluted and underhanded way to get rid of me. He will have nothing to do with me for defying the teacher plot. He cannot accept reality – especially the reality of his own conduct.

Regardless of who and what he has painted himself to be in this world, and how much he has rejected me since the day I was born, it is not over yet. Far from it. Just as it was with Cain and Abel – we are still siblings. We are the story of one family with unresolved issues and unfinished business. I can accept that much.

But I do not accept my own family members colluding with some goon to gang up on me. Ganging up on family members is not cool. Period. I deserve to have a life just as much as they do. In order to maintain love in a family, we must have trust and respect for one another on an equal footing. It is difficult to trust people when the top dog, wealthiest and most powerful member of the family is gunning for you, scheming and manipulating non-stop. It is time to get over it.

Truthfully, it is Ledcor – a huge company is using its resources to gang up on me. The teacher handed my brother a reference to get a job with Leduc Construction in the early seventies, along with a get out of jail free card – in exchange for the deal over my life.

Now almost fifty years later, Ron is still using his position with Ledcor to continue the degradation, control, and shaming of my life. He gives orders to take away my livelihood. He will only allow me to serve others, without receiving any help or support in return. He will use his power to force a person into the poor house, and then degrade them for being there. His pattern is to punish, and then punish you more for your reaction to the unlawful treatment.

As a young widow and single mother for many years, I am lucky I have been able to support myself, since there was no safety net for me at any time of my life. My brother went into punitive rages whenever he was asked for anything. He has hostile judgment and seething contempt for any display of weakness. He does not respect the fact that some women have to work. He expects domestic slavery and devotion to caregiving others, while working for a living, and yet still exhibits a scathing disrespect and disapproval no matter how hard you work. No one can measure up to his gaudy and exalted lifestyle.

Rule Number Four. The answer is NO. You don’t get to make the fascist claim, or manipulate and pay others to make the false claim that I am mentally ill because I am not the teacher’s daughter. Nor is a person considered to be mentally ill for writing a book about the truth of the past.

The mental illness accusation was all part of the original construct of lies and became their fallback position. If I rejected the teacher, I must be mentally ill. I must be evil and wicked like our mother. There was no way they were going to allow me to be who I am.

In actual fact, making false claims about another person’s mental health in order to set up financial or career gains, or to overpower, dominate and coerce another person – is also unlawful and unethical. Set the manipulations aside for once and STOP IT.

I have written many articles about mental health as part of the defence surrounding their constant attacks on my own mental health. When the teacher became fixated on me, my mental health was under attack every single time I said no to him. He would loudly tell people I was “”emotionally disturbed” and “intervention was required”. He was the one who needed the intervention.

In actual fact I was excelling in school and graduated early. In those months before graduation, he almost destroyed me with his constant non-stop obsession, lies and threats. Those were among the darkest times of my life.

I was not adopted. I did not create the con or the adoption delusion. Therefore they are the ones who are psychotic and insane. Stop the madness. I am obviously not in control of their insanity.

Let these holy roller longtime church-goers know this Proverbs 15:25 “The Lord tears down the house of the proud but maintains the widow’s boundaries”.

When it talks about tearing down the house of the proud, it is not just the house, but the entire family he will destroy. There are so many dire warnings about messing with widows, but like everything else in the Bible – these church-going religious zealots pay no heed.

But the truth of who I am, and the seed I came from – is girded about my own loins. I was not adopted. I have never in my life been admitted or treated for any serious mental health disorder. I repeat. There is no evidence or documentation of mental illness in my history whatsoever. It is all lies.

These dominant and arrogant men did not pay my way, or support me throughout my life. I worked my butt off as an RN from the time I graduated at the tender age of nineteen until I started working on the online store. I wrote the RN exams when I was still a teenager. The teacher took credit for my academic ability and forced me into nursing. But he had nothing to do with my abilities or IQ and never contributed anything to my life but hardship and sorrow.

There is no other female in the family who has been forced to support a family without any help – yet they condemn me for that too. They treat me like a degenerate who has never worked, yet I have always worked. Of course it wasn’t good enough. Nothing is good enough for our judgemental big brother, and his prideful wife – who has never worked a day in her life.

Even more importantly than all of the above, our seed on a spiritual level is of Biblical and eternal importance to our own lives, and our children’s families. We know from the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares that some seeds are sown for the good, and some for the evil one. Even within the same family, there can be both the wheat and the tares.

Just as it was in the story of Cain and Abel, even though Cain killed Abel in a fit of jealous rage, he could not hide it from God, and it did not take away the fact Abel was still his brother throughout all of time. Killing him did not eliminate him. It changed the course of history, but even so, there will come a day of reckoning.

Ultimately the seed of Abraham is the seed of all true believers in Christ. The only reason I have survived thus far, is by the seed from which I came from. In spite of a great deal of pain, peril, angst, conflict, and many near misses – I was protected through it all.

There is probably no greater time than on Christmas Day to give thanks for being part of the seed of Abraham. We are grafted into the tree of life for all eternity. Only God can graft us into our true lineage. No one can take the seed of our existence away from us.

I am very thankful by my own experience to finally know this to be true. It has served to strengthen my faith and put on the full armour of God. They cannot destroy my mind or my soul. They need to give it up already.

The teacher adoption con has become a very serious and divisive stranglehold within our family. Few people have the courage to stand up to my brother. The teacher really did steal, deceive, divide and destroy. In hindsight, it astounds me how a man as young as he was at the time, could be so diabolical, and cause such long term destruction to our family.

Everything on this earth is temporary. They will be held accountable some day. I will accept and be thankful for my humble beginnings, and the seed I came from.

Our seed brings us great strengths as well as adversity. The teacher was the opposite of what he claimed to be. Ultimately, he got the opposite of what he was trying to achieve. From our brother’s perspective, cutting off his own seed to align with the teacher, was probably the gravest error of his own lifetime. He cleaved to the darkness – not me. I lived in much of that darkness, but did manage to see the light. In fact, to me – hell would be getting stuck somewhere with those two.

In fact, if I had to choose between the two, and if they were bound so they could not attack me, I would far rather spend the time with my own brother than the teacher, who was boring as hell; as eerily ghastly as he was bland. It was like he was dead in his head.

Whereas, at least my brother is an intelligent person with a bit more scope in life. He can actually carry on an interesting conversation if he is in a half decent mood. If he would talk to me, I most certainly would make it clear that he is not going to use me or “my seed” as pawns in the continuation of his self-protectionism. The same goes for Ledcor and the teacher plot.

“Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the libertie wherewith Christ hath made us free, and bee not intangled againe with the yoke of bondage.”

My brother, through his cronyism with the teacher, cuts off all paths to reconciliation and healing in his own life, as well as the rest of the family. It is through our seed that both the strengths, and more importantly, the weaknesses arise. This gives us the ability and the obligation to discern right from wrong, and overcome some of those familial patterns for the sake of future generations.

Familial burdens such as addiction, superiority, greed, worshipping money at the expense of others, unwarranted punishments and accusations, and male dominated misogyny related to family violence, can be intergenerational strongholds.

Familial wrong cannot be resolved by cutting off the branch, the fruit, or cutting down the entire tree. In fact, just as I am not owned as an object to be traded off, or given up for adoption by my brother – nor does he own our family tree. He does not get to eradicate another person’s life or spirit regardless of his wrath, hatred and jealousy.

My brother overestimates his power and dominance. The teacher is as far from the seed of our family as the east is from the west. He has his own crap to deal with. My brother’s power is not going to last forever – except perhaps in the place of torment like it describes in the Bible. His punishment might last a very long time, based on the endless cruelties and corruption he has inflicted upon this world since he was a very young child.

My big brother is vastly superior to me in every way. He holds me in absolute contempt. There could be no greater polarization than there is between the two of us. He does not think I deserve to exist. He continues to give orders to control and oppress. He sets up rewards for those who will punish or exploit me. He held a grudge and hatred toward our own mother forever, and would not even go visit her on her death bed. He is the one who calls all the shots, and shuts off all compassion and reasoning.

There is no such thing as equality or accountability. He has the capacity to corrupt and harden the hearts of the family, a huge company, and politics. He has developed the ability to corrupt en masse, by honing a system of reward and punishment. He uses his Ledcor boss power over family members without regard for conflict of interest and abuse of power. He does not even grasp the concept of conflict of interest. It is meaningless to him.

There has never been a time in his life where he has been held accountable. I finally wrote a book about the truth of our past, and within a week he offered a truce. Then he immediately turned around and broke that truce by trying to force the teacher on me all over again.

Both my brother and the teacher are dedicated church-goers. They suit the following 2 Timothy 3:3 verse to the letter:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. and verse 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

On my part, there might be some poetic justice on the horizon. He does not get to break the truce, punish me, and still expect the book go unpublished. It is high time for some cause and effect.

In due time, there will be real justice. Hopefully they will figure it out before it is too late for them. After all – especially as we age, we are really just a heartbeat away from a sudden death finale.

We ride that pale horse with no thought of the end – even though its conclusion is breathing right down our necks.

Merry Christmas. Peace, Love & Good Will To All!

Valerie Hayes

Quiet West Vintage represents a private vintage and designer collection that has been gathered and stored over a thirty-five year period. I now look forward to sharing this collection and promoting the "Other Look" - a totally individualistic approach to style.