Why Is There Such A Rise In Conspiracy Theories & Why Censor Them?

This is probably the most central topic for all of us right now. We are being told not to follow social media, with dire warnings about all the conspiracy theories. Oh no – what will happen to us if we read and indulge in different material?

Will we morph into the dreaded conspiracy theorists? We will definitely be on the other side of the “us against them” battleground of the constant conflicted information. We become the pip-squeaks in the war of words. Our thoughts are vilified, and our actions are considered reprehensible, even if we sit back and do nothing at all. We are not impulsive. Just the opposite in fact.

How dare we challenge the mainstream journalists? They seem to be either young and naive, crafting the narrative for their own careers, and the greater corporate good. Or they are the old dogs, long in the tooth, and drumming propaganda into us like they have a hammer and a template for doing so, nailing it down with efficiency and aplomb. They do have a template. History knows they do – because they have done it before.

But why are so many conspiracies surfacing in the first place? The mainstream media is claiming these conspiracy theories are “far right extremist” groups. But right off the bat, the labeling causes people to mistrust the hyperbolic labelling. Furthermore, if there is a polarity of views, and one side is far right extremist – then the other side must be far left extremist.

You cannot be polarized if there is only one pole. Unless you are a stripper doing acrobatics on centre stage of course. Then you just have to bare it all, but they don’t do that either do they?

Though we are seeing plenty of sleaze, we have to ask – who is working the poles, and where are their clothes? The emperor has no clothes in this narrative. It is the only possible way they could have only one pole! So let them evaluate the real reasons for the upsurge in conspiracy theories. They own the pole. They own the narrative, and therefore, they own the fact that it has spun out of control. They are the spinners. We are the weavers.

Admittedly some conspiracy theories are far-fetched. But what about groups of doctors and scientists who dispute the mainstream news media? Surely they would not risk their livelihoods and careers to chase unfounded nonsense. In fact, when conscientious people have ethical dilemmas, they have a duty and an obligation on behalf of the public to bring their concerns forward. Stifling those concerns is like throwing kerosene on the flames of mistrust.

In my opinion, conspiracy theories are on the rise because there is a loss of trust in both the governments, and the main stream media. So people naturally will look elsewhere for information. The facts are changing daily. If you quote last weeks facts that were presented in the media, you could be labelled an anti-vaxxer or far right extremist. Those so called facts are changing faster than you can spin a prize wheel at a local carnival.

Therefore it must be the instability of facts, and a constant stream of changing and new information that causes the public to distrust the mainstream narrative. We are not accustomed to seeing scientific facts change every time we get up to face another day.

If we open our cupboard in the morning, and coffee is no longer coffee, but we get powdered compost instead, we would no longer trust the labels on coffee. Or we would investigate that particular brand, and find out what happened to it.

Aside from the many conspiracy theories that have popped up in the past two years, how can we rely on scientific fact if it is not the least bit stable? You might argue that a volcano or fault line is scientific, yet unstable. You might say that science is always evolving. You also might parrot the narrative, and say that we are learning as we go, therefore all of this is to be expected. Why? When in all of history have we expected science to change every second day?

We have basic expectations. We expect to see the whole, not just the parts they want us to see. But wait! The peons cannot possibly understand the whole story anyway. it must be presented to us by cherry picked scientific experts. After that, it must be pruned, ruminated and regurgitated by what passes as  well-crafted journalism telling us what to believe. We are no longer reading the news. We are being educated into group-think by the media.

Aside from the political and media strategies designed to stifle dissent, does anyone really understand the immune system? I don’t think so. The reason I don’t think the immune system is well understood, is because we all have different immune systems. If this were not the case – there would be no autoimmune diseases. There would not be any cancers or other types of autoimmune induced illnesses. There would not be any adverse reactions to immune altering drugs. And when adverse reactions appear, they would know the cause and mechanism of injury – but clearly they do not know. So I think it is safe to say, the immune system is very complex, and is not fully understood by anyone.

Why do some people get adverse reactions to certain drugs, and others do not? Why do some people catch eight colds a year, and others catch one or two? Is every cold a covid cold? How could any science possibly figure that out? If the data are not properly collected, broken down into age groups and gender, and then scientifically analyzed – how can anyone know the results? If you don’t know the results collected from data analysis, how can you announce safety results or efficacy?

The mistrust and conspiracy theories are caused by the very people who denounce them. When people no longer trust governments and mainstream media, they will search for other information. In some cases, the other information is very well researched and comes across as quite factual. In other cases, the alternative news can be far-fetched. But the fact it is surfacing as rapidly as it is, tells us the entire narrative is falling apart.

Mainstream media can no longer hold it together with all the daily death counts, cases, and fear mongering. If the facts that people are spoon fed, do not align with observations or basic scientific principles, people won’t trust those facts, and will look elsewhere to find truth.

As the saga continues to unfold, I think most of us have far more questions than answers, in spite of all the long-winded news articles. Why is the world so focused on covid to the exclusion of many other more pressing public health issues? Why all the talk about field hospitals, yet the one in Vancouver never had a single patient?

Why are the adverse reactions not being reported? Why is there no compensation for injury? Why is there a need for passports and mandates if the transmission has not changed, and there is no efficacy toward the new variants?

And from the political perspective of collectivism, the orders are that we must do our civic duty, and take the risk of invasive medical procedures without sufficient data to prove either efficacy or safety.

If I am forced to do something they claim is for the collective good, that means the collective society should take care of me if I suffer an adverse outcome. Shouldn’t it?

But what exactly is the collective good? Does it mean no one will ever catch a cold or flu again? Does it mean it is my fault if they do? How does that ring true to anyone?

Personally, as an individual – if I have a serious adverse drug reaction and go blind, who is going to look after me? If the government or the collective society cannot look after an individual that is injured by what they are trying to force on us – it means the individual must take more and more responsibility for personal health and safety, not less.

If a person looks at the available information and is not satisfied, then they should be able to refuse it or refute it, because the available data does not meet the threshold of informed consent. No one should have to go to a doctor to get an exemption for something they do not want. If a doctor tells me I must take chemo for a tumour that showed up on a mammogram – do I have to take his advice? Maybe it was a false positive. Even if it wasn’t a false positive, I still don’t have to get chemo if I don’t want it. Is all that going to evolve and change too – so people cannot refuse any medication or treatment? It’s a slippery slope and a scary thought.

If you do not want a medical procedure, you do not have to explain it to anyone, unless you are admitted to an ER department or psych ward without the ability to speak coherently or make decisions for yourself.

The test of sanity is based on behaviours, not political beliefs or alternative viewpoints. Refusing a medical treatment is not a behaviour. It is a choice. In fact, lining up for test kits and booster shots represents a behaviour, and some might call it maladaptive or mass psychosis. But doing nothing, is not really a behaviour, is it?

For example, I chose not to use steroids for an autoimmune eye disorder that I have had for many years now. The reason I chose not to use steroid eye drops to reduce inflammation, is because the steroids have worse long term implications than doing nothing. The steroids cause white cataracts, which eventually requires surgery. Plus the long term use of steroids for a chronic condition leads to a host of other systemic, and often life threatening problems, especially of you ever need emergency surgery.

For the eye condition, doing nothing in relation to the medication is simply a choice, and a choice that I am glad I made a long time ago. Does it mean I have a conspiracy theory toward the treatment of autoimmune eye disorders? No, I don’t. In fact, the research I have done indicates that reduction of stress, diet and rest – are the key things one can do, to reduce the severity and frequency of the flare ups.

How did I come to the conclusion? I had an intuitive sense that using steroids for a chronic condition was barely a band-aid for a bigger problem. Then I read forums, and followed multiple people online who had to deal with the same disorder, to see what they did and how they fared. Many said that diet and stress management was crucial. Some followed the medical treatment plans to the letter, with steroids and opiates. By comparing the testimonials with what I experienced myself, I concluded that diet, avoiding alcohol, and stress management, would be the best approach to keeping it under control.

If a person gets cancer and decides not to get chemo – does that make them a conspiracy theorist? How is it that the refusal of one certain treatment can make you all bad, when people refuse medications and treatments all the time, just based on their knowledge of their own bodies, and on doing their own research?

Are we going to be accused of thought crimes for doing our own research? Do we have to justify or find exemptions in the medical field, just to make a decision to avoid or refuse certain treatments?

What if the pharmaceutical profit motive is geared toward making merchandise of all of us? Are we merchandise? And more importantly – are we their merchandise to be used, poked, prodded, and then cast aside? If we are their merchandise, what did they pay, or what did they do to procure us?

And finally, who owns our bodies? Who can say that we do not have natural immune systems, without denying the scientific evidence that proves we do?

Okay, let’s just say that we don’t have any natural immunity whatsoever – does that mean we do not have an immune system? What is the purpose of the immune system? If science promised us a bionic arm – would we cut off our functioning arm to get a new and improved one?

Human beings naturally try to make sense of the world around them. When the world no longer makes sense, we will find a way to remain stable, so we can hopefully live out our lives in peace. We are not an abstract blob of people, we are individuals. Abstract blobs don’t think, individuals do.

The mainstream media has lost its steam. In fact it is like an insipid, repetitious concoction of words all jumbled together to come up with the same crap. It is like the big bang theory of denials and dismissals.

Just think. We are in the midst of watching science evolve right before our eyes. Usually evolution takes more than a few days, but hey – we are already in a world of altered reality. So should we be shocked that somehow the evolution of science speeds up like a lightening bolt from the deep. But to be fair, this is more about the miraculous science of words, statistics, cherry piking, collectivism, social engineering, and creativity with numbers. It is out in the open, even if people are still in denial. It is more of a linguistic virus than anything.

Just put those drug advertisements in a shaker for awhile and presto – you have more science, in the form of covid hype and bias. It seemingly evolved like a monkey swinging in a tree. Do we all point and cry out – Hey – that used to be me!

Shake it up a few more times – I want to see what happens!

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



Valerie Hayes

Quiet West Vintage represents a private vintage and designer collection that has been gathered and stored over a thirty-five year period. I now look forward to sharing this collection and promoting the "Other Look" - a totally individualistic approach to style.