Why I Believe Faith Is The Only Real Solution To Improve Depression & Mental Health

The first disclaimer is to acknowledge that our beliefs are personal, and there is a wide range of what people believe will help improve or treat depression, and various other mental health disorders. Therefore this is not medical advice, but rather it is spiritual advice, which is at the core of our minds and existence.

Some people believe drugs are required in order to treat depression. Others go for a combination of drugs and counselling. Some people are more inclined to seek advice or solace through self help books, meditation, yoga, and Eastern religions.

There is a new and rapidly growing trend to treat mental health disorders and depression with ketamine, and/or hallucinogenic mushrooms. These drugs create out of body experiences, and some people believe they lead to a greater self awareness, and insight combined with profound spiritual enlightenment. Although these experiments might help people, the long term effects and risks can be significant.

Recently I learned that ketamine long term use has many side effects. In addition to causing psychotic breaks, and other central nervous effects, there are also cardiac risks, and more commonly, bladder and renal function impairment.

Many psychotropic medications also cause irreversible movement disorders or EPS symptoms. These side effects have a wide range of movement disorders, and can affect almost any part of the body. In some cases they cause spastic movements of the spine, especially the neck muscles. In other cases, they cause Parkinson like symptoms, or facial movements similar to rolling a marble around in the mouth. In other cases, there are tremors of one hand, or a jerking movement in the legs or eyes. Some people develop drooling, and in other cases, a person can develop macabre facial expressions, from grimacing to grinning, that they cannot control.

I worked in mental health for a several years, and was around people who had been taking a variety of psychotropic medications for many years. In almost all cases, the people also had some kind of movement disorder associated with the drugs, even though they were prescribed drugs to counter the EPS effects.

For these reasons, I believe there should be extreme caution with regards to all psychiatric medications. There are certain cases where a person does need medications, or they go completely out of control. But for those who are able to self care, have insight, and develop a care plan for themselves, it is far better to rely on lifestyle changes, diet, exercise and above all, faith.

When a person is told “get help” or “you need help” it is often said in a pejorative and condescending way. It would be much better to ask a person what is wrong, and what they think needs to be done. In family dynamics, often the problems are relational, and not the fault of just one family member.

In cases of debilitating drug and alcohol dependency, it is a matter of having non-accusatory open discussions to find out how the problem is perceived by the addict, as well as those closest to him or her. Many people feel shame, and are easily gaslighted into taking all the blame for dysfunctional relationships.

We do fail each other, and the sad truth is that we are most likely to harm or fail those we love the most, and are closest to. I think one of the central lessons in life is to overcome intergenerational destructive family patterns. We all play a role in the family dynamics. At the heart of it all is forgiveness and love, which is something we cannot achieve without God’s help. In addition, we need to learn patience and endurance. Those are traits that do not come naturally to most of us. I know I have been a dismal failure in countless ways.

In whatever way we happen to view our complex family dynamics, there is a greater purpose involved. We all carry the burdens as well as the strengths passed down through the generations. We cannot change who our family is, and where we came from. Family breakdown will be brought before the judgement of Christ. We cannot cast one another into the lake of fire, nor can we get rid of a family member for whatever reason. Time will reveal all truths. A hardened heart is probably the worst thing we can do to ourself. Empathy and compassion nurtures, while cultivating cruelty will turn us into tares, and our lives become superficial and hollow, as described in the parable of the wheat and the tares.

In the absence of severe addictions, the inability to self care, or the need for closely monitored detox to get past a crisis, how can any person evaluate and improve their own mental health?

If a person is told to get help, the big question is – who is going to help them? Most psychiatrists will prescribe potent psychoactive drugs, as opposed to trying to get to the cause of the torment. In fact, it is probably safest to avoid psychiatrists and their deadly potions. Most of them are about as caring as a hungry reptile in the jungle, prone to exploit the jumble of human emotions, seeing vulnerabilities as opportunities. They have their own ideologies, which may be so far in left field it would shock the average person.

Psychologists and counsellors are more likely to explore the feelings, and delve a little deeper into the lifestyle, thought processes, or behavioural problems. However, these counsellors are not always helpful either. Some of them do more harm than good. A high percentage of them have more complex mental health issues than the people they are trying to treat. They are also very expensive, and not all people can afford to sit around and talk about their problems at a cost of $150.00 an hour.

Peer counselling, or a good friend, might provide just as beneficial, or even better talk therapy than high priced professionals do. There is a range of professional ethics involved among all professionals, from the sincere, and well educated application of knowledge, to the bullying borderline cult-like personalities within the professional realm. It is hit or miss, to find a good one. Most of them are doing a job to make money. For this reason, we are more likely to get help from a loved one or good friend. In all cases, human beings cannot fill the role, and guidance of Christ in our lives. Therefore, even if we are forsaken by people, we are not doomed.

In my own personal opinion, and life experiences, the only way to develop optimism for the future, is through faith. Not faith in an abstract higher power, but faith in God, and the gospel of Christ. It is the only way to find truth, comfort, and an assurance that there will be justice, forgiveness, redemption, and something to look forward to. It gives us hope.

We cannot change the world, and all the evil, deception, rejection, government, media, or the conduct of other people. We can voice an opinion, seek truth, and develop various strategies to protect out minds. But we are not able to control what happens. No one can. Many people fear death. We all know we will die, and yet without faith, it is a dismal prospect.

Without faith, and the assurance that God will fulfill his promises, and bring justice to this world, it would be very easy to become hopelessly depressed. This has been intensified a hundredfold or more since we have been immersed in the covid era of deception and losses, combined with uncertainty for the future. We are steeped in an endless cycle of propaganda, coercion and deception.

Above all, we are spiritual beings, and we would be wise to avoid the many pitfalls surrounding apostate churches, media hype, hard drugs, quick fixes, and esoteric type religious practices.

Our mind, will and emotions, or soul – needs a place of guidance, nourishment and rest. We can only find such encouragement in the Bible, because everything else rings hollow after awhile.

No matter how much we learn from the Bible, we still only absorb a fraction of the true meaning. It provides a never ending source of revelation, truth, prophecies, and spiritual growth. For this reason, I believe it is our only stable instruction manual, to assure us and give us a solid foundation of hope for a better future.

Words matter. We are affected by words every single day. The word of God is far superior to what any person can offer us. We all need a rock, and a solid foundation to cling to in times of trouble. Faith, and God’s grace is the ultimate, and eternal solution. This truth is well worth it, and can be found abundantly in the words of the Bible. There is no cost for profound wisdom, because Jesus has paid the price, and He alone is capable of healing us.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2023). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Valerie Hayes

Quiet West Vintage represents a private vintage and designer collection that has been gathered and stored over a thirty-five year period. I now look forward to sharing this collection and promoting the "Other Look" - a totally individualistic approach to style.