What Is The Great Reset?

This one is even tougher to grasp than all the covid contradictions. At first I thought mentioning it might lead to accusations of being a conspiracy theorist. Even though this concept sounds like a conspiracy – it is clearly something of significance lurking like an incredible hulk, in the shadowy forms with all the covid hype.

Did you ever wonder why the published image of covid looks like one of those spiked balls, flails, or morning star weapons they used to clobber people over the head with during medieval times? This image has been put on almost all publications, featuring a round ball with red spikes.

Where did such an image come from? Does it really look like the covid virus? The obvious answer is – No, it does not. They have yet to identify single viruses within a family of viruses, under an electron microscope.

For the most part when you look at images of viruses under an electron microscope, you see clusters of amoeba like shapes. There can be a differentiation by the general shape, to help identify the type of virus, but as far as what covid-19 actually looks like, they had to resort to a completely fictional image. Quite simply – they do not know what it looks like.

Where does the spiked ball covid image we see published everywhere, as a purported likeness of the virus come from? This image is part of an emerging trend called BioArt. It is a fictional representation and branding based on graphic design alone. There is nothing real about it. And why they would make it look like a flail to whack people in the head with, is incomprehensible. Yet in the overall scheme of things, it makes some sick sense.

They made the covid image look that way for a reason. It looks sinister. It has multiple red spikes. We have been hammered in the head with the little spiked ball, every time we look at the news. It is a metaphorical bit of squeamish injury to our sensibilities and thought processes. Ouch. What just hit me? Oh right. More covid BS.

Okay, so there you have it, the best non-conspiracy observation of the shadowy form and branding lurking behind the covid imagery. Oh some might cry! How dare you call the little spiked ball fictional! Well, then why not use an image of the real thing? It is the most logical question to ask.

Another example of some far out BioArt being used to demonstrate RNA messenger vaccines and chemotherapy with little scissors embedded into the RNA. Seriously? The image looks like something out of a Walt Disney Movie. https://www.timesofisrael.com/with-new-elegant-chemo-israeli-scientists-edit-genome-to-destroy-cancer-dna/

An illustration of the genome editing technique, with scissors showing where DNA is to be “cut.” (courtesy of Tel Aviv University)

Languishing behind the spiky covid form, is a despotic fascist archetype from the World Economic Forum. If he could be portrayed as the villain in the plot of a new release of George Orwell’s book, The Animal Farm, I would give this guy the role of a bullfrog on a log. He has about as much charisma as a Gaboon viper, along with the audacity to think he can dictate what is best for the entire world, and all those who inhabit it.

The Great Reset comes from the World Economic Forum, which sounds like a big deal, but in reality the founder is a University professor by the name of Klaus Schwab, born in Germany in 1938. He is the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum. Yup. This whole devious plan comes from an arrogant professor in Germany.

Honestly, it is one of the most convoluted and contradictory plans I have ever heard of or read about. Next to the objectives of various other tyrants throughout history, this one is right up there. First of all, he claims the world will become a much angrier place. He admits there will be poverty, mass unemployment and misery.

From there he takes a great leap to another log, and claims we will have a greener earth, and the two concepts are not incompatible. What?

Using a double negative, he is claiming the resulting unemployment, anger and human misery is compatible with the objectives of having a greener earth? Since when does poverty, squalor and homelessness make the earth greener? It is just the opposite in fact. Always remember – they speak in opposites. The bullfrog has two faces.

Last I checked, the earth is pretty green. Are they going to change the colour of the sky too? Will they start to make up rules for a brighter, and bluer sky? You bet they will. They seem to have no limits to their over reach.

He makes very arrogant sweeping statements, like how the “global stakeholders” will determine the great reset. What global stakeholders? Who owns the earth? They do? Or at least they seem to think they do.

Embodied within all these contradictory statements, when real questions are asked, he says, “I do not know the remedies”. Well the logical thought process in my opinion is that if you don’t know the remedy, or the cure – how are you going to reset anything?

He claims there will be dignity for all. Yet the title of that particular you tube diatribe was how the world is going to become a much angrier place. How do we get dignity out of anger?

He seems to think there will be equality for women. He looks and talks like he is still stuck in the German fascist regime of the late thirties, so how would a guy like that know the first thing about what it is to be oppressed as a woman?

He talks about equality of outcomes. There is no such thing. If you give identical fishing rods and boats to five different groups of people, does anyone really think they would all return with an equal number of fish?

I will readily admit how little I want to know about the great reset plot, but it cannot be ignored. I call it a scheme, because clearly there is a great deal of deception and arrogance underlying the statements he makes.

There is no compassion for humankind whatsoever in his plan for a great reset. In fact, there is no real plan at all, other than creating human misery, homelessness, hopelessness, famine and poverty – all under the guise of creating a greener earth.

The question is, who benefits from such a disjointed plan? They do. Those who meet at the DAVOS conference each year. Those who think they are the global stakeholders. Those who have the money to buy the mainstream media, which is little more than taking out full page covid ads on a daily basis. CBC is constantly running ads requesting people’s covid stories. How on earth can that be considered unbiased journalism?

Some obvious examples of media deception: In one case they tell a story about a woman with dementia who cannot remember to wear a mask. The gist of the article, of course, is to shame the anti-maskers. If a person with severe dementia can be taught to wear a mask, then how can any cognitively intact person ignore those orders? Since the woman cannot remember anything from one minute to the next, the article describes how the caregiver hangs several brightly coloured masks on the woman’s doorknob because she cannot remember to wear a mask when she goes out.

Here is the clincher. The article goes on to say that when the woman goes out with her caregiver and sees other people without masks – she is aghast to see others are not wearing masks. How can a person with short term memory loss, who cannot remember why she must wear a mask – make a judgement call on random people in the community who are not wearing masks? It is such obvious deception, especially for people who have known and cared for people with severe dementia.

Another article in the mainstream media describes the death of a teacher calling it a covid death, and calling on all people to wear masks to prevent such tragedies. The man had stage 4 lung cancer with metastasis to the brain. He had zero chance of survival with that diagnosis, yet they somehow twist that to be the fault of random people not wearing masks on Granville Street? How so? How pathetic is it to exploit deaths for the sake of media sensationalism and promoting a false narrative? In my opinion it is the absolute bottom of the barrel, tire biting, ambulance chasers, who would write such overtly exploitive articles about grief and death.

In Canada, we have had confidentiality policies within hospitals for many years. If a person calls in to make the most basic enquiry, they are told the information cannot be disclosed. Yet the minute the person dies or becomes incapacitated, the media can exploit their story. How many of these people would have given consent if they knew the true motives behind this?

The next of kin can give consent to share stories, pictures, etc. But those people are in a state of grief, are vulnerable, and it is common for them to feel anger and blame, as a normal grief reaction. Making all these vulnerabilities, raw emotions, and losses into public sensationalism with covert political objectives, is unfair to the general public.

Probably the greatest contradiction surrounding the great reset, is the placating claim: “we are all in this together”. They are telling us, indoctrinating us, brainwashing us, into believing we must not socialize with another human being, yet we are all in this together? Togetherness is the last thing they want.

We are not to see our family members, no hugs, no Mother’s day, no Thanksgiving dinners, no birthday parties, no exercise or dance classes, no singing, no indoor public spaces without masks, etc. What togetherness are they advocating for? See how they speak in opposites?

How can they constantly and divisively drive people apart, banning all contact, and then say, “we are in this together”. Obviously we are not in this together, so cut the crap. Their objective is behaviour modification.

What are they trying to do? An elite few are basically claiming to be the owners of the earth. They will make the rules. They will dominate and cause unprecedented human suffering. And most of all, they get sadistic and arrogant pleasure out of doing so.

They obviously rule mainstream media. But who else do they rule over? If we do not believe the lies. If we do not give any credibility to the lies in the media – what does that leave them with?

If the so called great reset had even a modicum of value to the general public, one might be able to defend it. But it makes no sense at all.

If a problem is defined, fair enough. But how can they justify collapsing all systems, when they themselves do not have the answers? How does any virus, sniffles, a cold, or flu bug lead to a golden opportunity for a great reset and intentional collapse of the economy? The bull frog makes some great leaps of logic, creating these antagonistic paradoxes.

I had the misfortune of being forced into nightly brainwashing sessions as a vulnerable teenager by an autocratic, incredibly arrogant high school teacher. Due to a collusion with my older brother, this teacher plagued me my entire life with his lies. If not for that experience, I might not see through the deception and brain washing this great reset is bringing about. If not for the fact that my own brother is the second largest shareholder of the second largest construction company in Canada – I would not be so aware of how psychopathy has come to rule the globe.

But I do know from experience how brain washing, shaming , deceiving, and making outrageous false claims – can become a reality. They have a single MO, and that is to repeat the lies until they are believed. They will intimidate you if you refute those lies. They will gang up on you. Make no mistake – their end game is domination and violence. They have no respect for humanity. They have a dehumanizing disgust for the poor and downtrodden. They do not think poor people even deserve to exist.

Refute the lies. There is nothing wrong with truth. In fact, there has never been a more important time in history, to let truth rise to the surface. Truth rises high above people like Klaus Schwab. He is eighty-two years old. Would anyone want to be in his shoes?

Buried within the books written by Klaus Schwab, there is a focus on sustainability achieved through a careful management, not of resources – but of people. His utopia or more aptly dystopia, revolves around having “smaller numbers of perfect people”. Someone should let him know – he is not perfect either. None of us are perfect. So obviously this is an ideology beyond human capabilities.

It would be crazy to follow this WEF guy. He is one step away from his own demise, whether he dies of old age, a heart attack, or a massive stroke. Reality of age should not be considered ageism if the person is not acting on behalf of public interests.

He has already reached his life expectancy. Why would anyone want to inflict misery on the world at his stage of life? He has lived most of his life, yet he proposes to alter the entire landscape of opportunity for the rest of humanity? Especially when using out dated, quondam, long in the tooth, antediluvian, archaic concepts?

I often wonder why we are seeing so many men well past retirement age, continuing to dominate world politics with the “old dog” mentality. The adage that you cannot teach old dogs new tricks, certainly comes to mind when you listen to some of these guys. How many old women do we see taking centre stage? It is pretty clear, what is good for the goose, is not good for the gander.

For those who believe there will be a final judgment day – no one should fear it more than the people who are proposing the great reset. They are deceptively using an unseen virus as the perceived human enemy. It is high time we point the finger at the real enemies of humanity.

The great reset plan eliminates love and truth – and replaces it with fear, anger and deception. They are promoting unemployment, isolation, poverty, and global behaviour modification. They have created a recipe for disaster.

Total control stems from insecurity and complete unbridled selfishness. People are turning on each other, and blaming their neighbours for lockdowns and restrictions, when in actual fact, the general public does not cause viruses, and have nothing to do with the plan created by Klaus Schwab.

We most certainly have not caused the disproportionate over reaction to this particular virus. The political leaders are causing it. Covid is merely an excuse to control the world. They have manufactured the crisis.

Goodness and truth will prevail. And someone, somehow – will put a stop to this madness. To those who are encouraging this covid mania – ask yourself one question. Can there be any greater greed or delusion, than the belief you can own and control the world? I don’t think so.

I just discovered the petition on the Pierre Poilievre website:


Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage (2020). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Valerie Hayes

Quiet West Vintage represents a private vintage and designer collection that has been gathered and stored over a thirty-five year period. I now look forward to sharing this collection and promoting the "Other Look" - a totally individualistic approach to style.