Truth Is A Rocky Road

Truth is a rocky road –

We skin our knees

To save our soul.

We are all alone ~

Like a blade of grass

Shivers in the cold.

Each arrow quivers

As it takes aim,

To make a point

Filled with blame.

Without a guide,

We lose our way.

He holds the light;

We can only pray –

To avoid the pit

To escape the snare,

We cross our part.

He will till the seed

Draw out the sap

And claim our heart.

Lies are a trap

Unless we find,

Truth’s sure embrace.

For the love of God

Is filled with grace.

Valerie Hayes

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2023). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Valerie Hayes

Quiet West Vintage represents a private vintage and designer collection that has been gathered and stored over a thirty-five year period. I now look forward to sharing this collection and promoting the "Other Look" - a totally individualistic approach to style.