Mental Illness & MAID ~ Is Mental Illness A Terminal Disease?

Of course there are unscrupulous individuals in politics, and in the health care system who promote this sick concept.

They would like nothing more than to have us all believe that once a person has a diagnosed mental illness, or admits to struggling with mental health – it is never cured. It is a permanent condition. They are sick and stigmatized for life. In my opinion, it is deceptive and manipulative nonsense. They (the powers that be) can prove nothing of the sort. 

Of course they want to push the hypothesis – the mumbo jumbo of terminal and lethal psychobabble, because it is an industry that wants to increase the scope of both drug addiction and MAID.

Stay safe, but don’t stay sane, so we can kill you kindly. When and where have we heard that before? It echoes from Germany since 1939, and reverberates to the present time. 

If a person breaks a leg, it heals, and they get up and walk again. If they get the stomach flu, they are not barfing for life. If they fall into a batch of poison life, the itch eventually goes away. 

Many people have overcome addictions. If they overcome addiction, and go on to lead a productive life, they are no longer addicted. They are no longer sick. They do not have to wallow in it. They can walk away, and leave it behind. Dust off the dirt, and get back in the saddle.

Yes there is a process of healing, and it may take some time. You have to figure out what made you sick or addicted in the first place, and come to terms with certain things.

It requires a change of paradigm, including patterns of thinking, and habits of daily living. Basically it means establishing a new template, and a new perspective, or outlook for your own life. 

You have to forgive others, and forgive yourself. Regardless of whose fault it is, it is unhealthy, and destructive to continue the addiction. It is the opposite of wellness, so it has to be abandoned in order to feel well. 

We have been indoctrinated with certain belief systems, especially about mental health. We need to be protective of our minds to avoid further insults.

Personality disorders are the only mental health disorders that cannot be cured, because they are part of the intrinsic personality, and show up early in life.

However, personality disorders, although they may be in the DSM manual, and can be quite debilitating, they are not usually serious mental illnesses requiring hospitalization.

They often wreak havoc in families, but a person with a personality disorder can often hide some of the more antisocial aspects of the disorder while at work or in social settings. Those who are closest to them will get the brunt of it. 

Otherwise, the vast majority of mental health struggles that people go through in life, are temporary. Let’s face it, life has many struggles. It does not mean we are all mentally ill, and it most certainly does not mean we are all mentally ill forever. Let it go. 

You will notice the accusations of being mentally ill are most often directed at women, and seldom at rich and powerful men. There is a pecking order when it comes to being crazy.

A lot of gaslighting too. Enough gas to ignite some serious contemplation, and indignation in the thought processes of those whose minds are manipulated and  meddled with. 

With excessive gaslighting, comes self doubt. Once we doubt our own perceptions of the world around us, we are more likely to feel shame, admit fault, and go along with the mentally ill label. But does that mean a person never gets better? Or even that they were crazy to begin with? It’s as elusive as a shadow on the wall. 

I went through an intense back and forth with a person in the comment section of the National Post today. It was based on an article written about MAID for the mentally ill. The man I was debating with claims to have advanced degrees in health care, and says he works in health care.

He also has very strong opinions about pushing MAID for all people, including the mentally ill. He calls anyone who disagrees “terminally selfish”. He is most pejorative about faith, and religious beliefs too. He mocks those beliefs with comments like “your imaginary friends in the sky are not going to help you.” 

I find his frequent use of the language “terminally selfish” to be a very strange choice of words when debating MAID for the mentally ill. He uses the term to refute the opinions of others in almost every post he writes. 

In my opinion, it is very faulty reasoning, because clearly – selfishness is not terminal. At least not yet, because in the end, come judgement day, a lot of very arrogant people will be doomed, which is not quite what this guy has in mind. 

The topic was MAID for the mentally ill. Is he inferring that those who disagree with him are terminal, albeit terminally selfish – which is just inching, and itching – to suggest those who disagree with him are terminal too? They too, deserve the mad MAID remedy. Who has ever heard of being terminally selfish before? 

He also adamantly claims mental illness cannot be cured, only managed, with the exception of situational depression.

Once a nut case – always a nut case. Deranged cannot be rearranged. It is like taking the radio apart when you are a kid, and having a few loose wires left over when you try to put it back together. It is shot, and will never play another tune. A head scratcher, and mind bender. Damn – what was I thinking?

Seriously? A person who had an eating disorder as a teen, is not mentally ill forever. A person who quits an addiction is not addicted forever. If you screwed up the radio, it is long gone by the time you grow up. 

There are many different types of phobias. If someone is afraid of spiders, crowds, the dark, snakes, etc. does that mean they are terminally mentally ill with no chance of recovery? If a person has anxiety, are they incurable? Hardly.

People are highly adaptable. If they are afraid of spiders, they avoid them. If they don’t like crowds, they stay away from crowds. The clean freak cleans, and the talkative person talks, when they get anxious. So what?

We all have to learn to manage our emotions, whatever they may be. For those who refuse to accept boundaries, they will get into trouble, and hopefully learn something. 

The whole idea behind the claims that mental illness is the only incurable human illness, is because the devil, or evil forces, or whatever you want to call it – wants to attack and mess with our minds. It is as simple as that.

They want to reform our thoughts, emotions, identity, and how we feel about ourselves. They want to dominate, control, and stifle dissent, surrounding our own lives, and boundaries. They want us to feel absolutely worthless – a useless eater.

Stand firm. Don’t let them mess with your mind. The Bible tells us to resist the devil. Gaslighting, and the intentional infliction of emotional abuse – is awful, and unlawful. So if you don’t believe in the devil, believe in the laws. 

God does not try to control people. He does not force people into any relationships. In His abundant grace and wisdom, He gave us free will. He does not force us into a relationship with Him, even though he is the almighty God. Why? Because he knows free will is central to love.

Relationships are about love, not dominance, deception and control. When someone tries to rob us of our free will, through mocking, gaslighting, false accusations, bullying, control, or whatever – we know it is not from God. God through His word tells us to be meek, but He also tells us to resist the devil and his antics. We all have inherent free will for very good reasons. Attacks on the mind are an attempt to take away our free will.

Our soul consists of our mind, emotion, and will – free will to be exact. Attacks on our mind, emotions, and will, are attacks on our soul. Even though such attacks are seldom punished because they are not physical assaults, God knows those tactics very well, and knows how serious they are.

Anything that is soul destroying, or destructive to the human spirit, could potentially cause a person to give up on life, to give up in every way, to become embittered, and to reject God. To throw in the towel is an eternal decision. Therefore anyone who attacks another person’s soul is making a grave mistake. 

Our battles on this earth are more spiritual than anything. There is far more going on in the spiritual realm than we are consciously aware of. We need discernment, wisdom and guidance. 

The news media engages us in excessive fear mongering, not only to deceive us, but to keep us on edge, distracted, and filled with angst. It is by design that our world is rife with contradiction, deception, and cognitive dissonance.

They want us to be filled with confusion, constant worry and self doubt, as opposed to having confidence and faith. God is not the author of confusion. 

The mental health field is a fairly new area of medicine, in that psychiatry was only defined as such in the mid 1800’s. Prior to that they believed lunacy, or madness was caused by demon possession. Since the dawn of psychiatry, the primary method to treat the diseases of the mind, is with drugs.

Other than the observation of behaviours, and the patient’s description of his or her symptoms, the mental health field has no definitive diagnostic criteria. They have a fat DSM manual, but it is hardly even credible, when you look at the source for all those made up disorders.

They do not base the diagnosis on lab results, ultrasound, X-rays, CT scans, MRI’s or any other diagnostic tests. No, nada. They do not have clear and definitive diagnostic criteria, so don’t let anyone railroad or bamboozle you.

Truthfully, they cannot prove what they claim. They do not know what is in another person’s mind or thoughts. We have around 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day. They cannot know them, or track them. It is a game of guess work and guinea pigs. 

If a person goes to a psychiatrist for any reason, they will get some kind of mental health diagnosis. Even if they say “I am doing fine, eat well, sleep well, and have lots to look forward to”. They will get told they are delusional, or anxious, or seem a bit depressed. And out comes the prescription pad.

There is a mantra oft repeated, telling people to get help. But more than anything, people need to get stronger, and stop looking toward toxic drugs for a quick fix.

In addition, we have to change our expectations. No one feels good all of the time. If you go through the motions of staying stable, and look after your health, and life on a daily basis, you will get better.

People do need support systems, and help in a variety of ways, but most people who are struggling can find ways to get past it. We cannot deny the fact we are spiritual beings. Therefore neglecting our spiritual life, is likely to cause instability in our lives. We are grounded from the inside out.

I find the whole MAID issue in Canada to be alarming. Canada has rapidly become a world leader in MAID, with the laxest laws in the world surrounding it. We are now approaching the MAID deaths of around 60,000 people, and the numbers are growing exponentially.

The concept of opening MAID to the mentally ill, and mature minors makes my blood run cold. During the debate with the pro MAID man on the National Post today, he used arguments like “dying without dignity, wallowing in your own filth and body fluids, and the terror of your mind dying while you are still alive.”

First and foremost, one of the certainties in life – is death. People have been managing to die naturally since the beginning of humankind.

Some of the statements made by this person, imply that the health care system is seriously neglecting people. Otherwise, why would a health care worker say “dying people are left to wallow in their own filth, and body fluids”? He is basically saying, it is better to end their life, than to care for them, and frankly, I find it appalling.

We all need to buck up, and buckle up. Do not let anyone corner you into the mentally ill trap, because based on the direction things are going, they are going to use it as yet another excuse to get rid of people.

They sugar coat it with feigned compassion. But have you noticed how all these MAID zealots want MAID for everyone else but themselves?

I worked several years in mental health, and during that time I got to know many of the patients quite well. A percentage of them had spent years in Riverview, and were discharged to the streets, or to smaller community health facilities.

Of all the people who suffered long term mental illness, to the point of needing to be in a facility, they all wanted to live. One woman had severe mood swings, and when she got very distraught she wanted to “end it”, but once she got over the meltdown, she was back on track. They all participated in daily outings, and took an interest in what was going on around them. If they had stable routines, they remained stable. 

They were on multiple medications of course, and had severe side effects from the medications. But it did not prevent them from interacting with others, and going on outings.

Some of them had chronic hallucinations, and the one thing I can say, is they often still had a sense of humour. In fact, the humour was probably the most delightful aspect of the job. Most of them loved humour. Some of them were highly intelligent, and astute. 

In hindsight, the stories of each of those individuals and how they ended up in Riverview was very tragic. Many of them were sent there because of family conflicts. They were the black sheep rejects within a dysfunctional family dynamic.

There was a time, not that long ago, where a family member, and a doctor’s signature could get a person committed. For some, they were institutionalized, and they threw away the key. Years later, they threw them out on the street.

Psychiatry in its short history, is full of tragic stories. More people have been abused by this field of medicine than most people could even imagine. People were being experimented on in the cruelest ways, using electric shock, sleep deprivation, insulin shock, hypothermia, lobotomies, and all kinds of torture that went on into the 1970’s right here in Canada.

But let’s face it, the vast majority of people with mental health disorders are not institutionalized. People are admitted for short stays in acute care Psychiatric beds. There is an extreme shortage of beds and treatment centres.

We are at a tipping point. If we think some of these people, and yes I would call them the bigger nut cases, can get on their high horse, and start deciding which lives are worth preserving, and which ones are destined for the MAID heap, God help us. It is a slippery slope, and it is snowballing into the abyss.

We should all take a sober look at the countless people who struggled with their mental health, and still contributed a great deal to society. Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Abraham Lincoln, F. Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda, as well as great thinkers like Isaac Newton. Vincent Van Gogh, Ernest Hemingway, Ludwig van Beethoven, Leo Tolstoy, John Keats, Charles Dickens, and the list goes on. If you delve into it, you will find it is a very long list. 

Yes we do need to take care of our mental health, and we can face astronomical hurdles. But as it is with any injury or illness, we also have the capacity to overcome most problems, and get well. Very few people are sick forever. The body, mind and spirit have remarkable abilities to recover from injury and trauma.

Sadly, just as some people die in accidents, or get illnesses they cannot overcome, it can also be that way with psychic injuries, or mental illness. Sometimes people do succumb to illness, meaning it can be any kind of illness or accident. We will never know why God allows some lives to be cut short.

We need to be proactive with our own mental health, and with our loved ones. We do not need to attach a lifelong sickness label onto anyone. It is destructive and unfair. Just like colds, flus, skinned knees, and broken bones, we get psychic injuries too.

Tips for maintaining mental health. This is in no way judgemental toward anyone. It is just what I have learned personally over the years. It took me many years to get to this point. For most of my life, I certainly did not practice all the points I have listed below myself. But I do now, because I have learned how important it is to be at peace. 

Talk therapy can benefit people, especially if you find a competent and compassionate therapist without an agenda. For those without extended medical benefits, it can be costly. In addition a good friend, or peer counselling, or support groups might be of benefit. 

Never underestimate the spiritual dimension, as much comfort and wisdom can be found in the Bible, and through prayer. Also for those who go to church, there might be counselling services available. 

Set clear boundaries. If we allow ourselves to be a pushover, we will get pushed over and dominated. We all have a right to set boundaries on relationships, to not be forced into any relationship, especially if it is dishonest or abusive, and to have our boundaries respected. 

Learn to appreciate being alone. Solitude can be very beneficial for healing. So many people think solitude is terrifying, or a sign you are antisocial. By all means some people withdraw and spend hours dwelling on violent video games or things that are very unhealthy. But if you use your solitude wisely, for edification, and to enjoy your time, you can benefit from it. We do not need to be validated by others. We need to figure out our own values, as well as how we might serve others. We all have different gifts and strengths. 

Keep in mind that everything you ingest or put into you body, can and will affect your mood. This includes caffeine, sugar, nitrites, OTC medications, prescription medications, and all other drugs. 

In addition, the gut biome is considered to be the second brain, and it is very important to have a healthy gut biome to regulate mood. Whole foods and the avoidance of fast foods and foods high in additives will help keep your gut healthy. 

Learning and curiosity is a valuable mental health practice. Not only does it help with making wiser purchases, health decisions, etc. but it also helps our memory, and mental abilities.

Learning about technical advancements does not mean we have to be a full blown techie, but we do have to navigate online, and troubleshoot computer or phone glitches, as well as learn to protect ourselves from scams etc. It is becoming increasingly complicated, so we have to keep up or depend on someone else to help with it. Fortunately YouTube will walk you through most issues you come across. 

Also as we get older, technical issues can be intimidating, but the more you do, the easier it is to figure things out. All learning helps boost our confidence and decision making. With the learning, we also have to develop a strong filter, so we don’t allow ourselves to get bombarded with information we are not interested in, or affected by useless advertising and propaganda. 

Fresh air and exercise are right at the top of the wellness list, in conjunction with nature, and all of its beauty. Gardening is great. Birdwatching, cycling, hiking swimming, and anything outdoors that suits your fitness and lifestyle. Walking is probably the easiest thing to do on a regular basis.

Perhaps it seems paradoxical, but it is wise to overcome our fear of death. For believers, we know death is not permanent. If we can overcome the fear of death, we are not as easily manipulated into fear and anxiety by the media or the scary events going on in the world on a daily basis. 

Overcoming the fear of death, while at the same time having value and gratitude for our lives, helps eradicate the MAID fears, and makes us less vulnerable to coercion, anxiety, and depression. MAID is supposed to be a personal choice. I can understand why some people choose to opt out of this world, if they are facing a drastic and deteriorating condition like ALS. But for myself personally, I would never choose MAID. 

Tolerance and patience are difficult things to integrate into our daily living sometimes. But the more you practice them, the easier it gets. If someone else behaves badly, and carries on like a lunatic, we are not responsible for that behaviour. For those of us who are Christians, God has promised us he will sort such people out in due time. 

As Christians we are advised to put on the full armour of God to protect ourselves. Those verses can be found in Ephesians 10:6-18. Personally, I have found this has really helped reduce fear and anxiety. 

Never let anyone tell you that mental illness is incurable. They are trying to rob you of hope. No one should ever rob another person of hope. Keep in mind – Hope does not make us ashamed.

The Bible clearly tells us to expect tribulation, and not to lose hope. Look to where there is wisdom. 

Romans 5:3-5 KJV

“3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;

4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope:

5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

Valerie Hayes

Quiet West Vintage represents a private vintage and designer collection that has been gathered and stored over a thirty-five year period. I now look forward to sharing this collection and promoting the "Other Look" - a totally individualistic approach to style.