How Much Has The World Been Influenced By False Doctrine & False Prophets?

This is perhaps one of the greatest questions of all time. Many entrenched beliefs have risen up to deceive people even more. You can hardly find a sermon or a description of end times that is not rife with implausible interpretations of the Bible.

There is no prophesy surrounding a one world order. It is a concept extrapolated from Bible verses taken out of context. Of course people can believe what they choose to believe, and no one can claim to know all things in the Bible beyond a shadow of doubt. We are fallible humans, prone to making mistakes. Plus all things are not revealed to us. We will not know the full truth until the kingdom of God is here on this earth.

One of the many Hollywood stories or fictional fables came from the book The Cross & The Switchblade by David Wilkerson, which was written in 1970, and sold over fifty million copies. In a similar vein, the rapture theology was written about by multiple dispensational authors.

All of the exalted stories are pure fiction. The Cross and the Switchblade is a self-serving bit of story telling where David Wilkerson portrayed himself as a hero preacher who had to sleep in his car. The first question we should ask ourselves is how a spoiled young superstar who came from a family of preachers would have to sleep in his car?

At the end of his life, David Wilkerson drove his car into the oncoming path of a tractor trailer truck. There was much speculation about the accident, and many wondered if it was suicide, because he preached a depressing and ominous sermon just prior to the accident. If it was a suicide, it tells us he was in complete torment and distress. He was not showing the fruits of the spirit, especially during his final years and hours. More so, if it was intentional, it tells us it was an attempt to commit murder and suicide, because his wife was in the car with him. We will never know the real truth, until the final judgement day arrives.

Over the years Hollywood has lapped these stories up, and countless Christians have foolishly lapped them up too. Clearly there has been a motive to magnify false doctrine and turn it into an enticing fable. Wilkerson preached about apostasy – yet he was clearly an apostate. He was a preacher of dispensational theology.

How many times does a person look up a certain Bible teaching, only to realize it is from seventh day adventist doctrine? They are very slick. They do not come right out and say who they are. You have to dig deeper, and find out the origin of the teaching. They pretend to be something they are not. At least with the Pope, he is all dressed up in the Catholic regalia, so you can see him coming.

Underneath it all, the seventh day adventist focus on the writings of Ellen White, who seems like she was crazy from the start. They have a fixation on the sabbath day. Prior to the split in their church, they followed the JW doctrine. Ellen White was clearly no prophet. She was proven to have plagiarized thousands of pages of other people’s material. When the seventh day adventists set a date for the end of the world, and it did not come true, she managed to gloss it over with more visions and false teaching. Ellen White became the central focus of the seventh day adventist church, and claimed to have multiple visions from God. Instead of viewing this as psychosis, they actually believed her.

It is similar with John Darby and the rapture theology. He completely altered the original Bible to support his false claims. In my opinion, the Darby/Scofield dispensational doctrine is the greatest apostasy the world has seen thus far. Anyone who is fixated on the teaching of a certain guru, is following a false prophet.

Mary Baker Eddy was another one who taught many falsehoods. She founded the Christian Science religion. Interestingly, both Mary Baker Eddy and Ellen White had physical injuries that contributed to their psychotic visions.

There are so many examples of cults – from the obvious, to the hidden, to the bizarre, and to the sublime. Some of them shine, in the sense they have some kind of connection to the spiritual realm. But their teachings are not sound. Faith healing and prosperity gospel teaching come to mind. Like the rapture theory, it is wishful and magical, but not true. Many are structured like a pyramid scheme, where only those at the top get rich. Yet they preach prosperity for those who give them their money. Basically they are saying – just give me your money, and I will make sure God gives you a tenfold increase. Yeah right.

Any religion that adds to the original Bible, alters, or interprets verses out of context, is a false religion. You can also be sure that any religious belief promoted by Hollywood, is likely to be fictional with an underlying objective to deceive the masses.

One thing we can be sure of, is that deception is rampant during the end times. Be wary of what the mainstream carriers of information and news want us to believe, versus what the truth really is.

The Bible does say the end of this age will be “as in the days of Noah”. Was there a one world order during the days of Noah? Is there really a single anti-christ rising up to take over the world? I seriously doubt it.

Although there is a common misconception about a one world order, the Bible does say nation will rise against nation, and there will be wars and rumours of wars. How does that translate into a one world order? If there is to be a one world order, how could nation rise against nation? According to the one world order concept, wouldn’t they all be one nation blended and ruled as one? It is not happening, and is not going to happen. In fact, I think it is impossible because humankind is prone to conflict, deception, and self-centredness, as opposed to global unity.

How can you get a bunch of deceptive world leaders to agree on anything? They will deceive each other for their own gain, just as they will deceive their own family members, country, and community for selfish reasons. Not only will they deceive the masses, they deceive each other, and more so – they deceive themselves. Is Klaus Schwab a ruler of the world? In the overall scheme of things, little does he know how insignificant he truly is. He is a remnant, like a scrap of cloth, that will be discarded and forgotten about because his belief system is based on an evil foundation. It will crumble like a house built on a sinkhole of sand.

Sadly, we are steeped in false doctrine. Each and every person who wants to seek the truth, must get it from the original Bible, not from preachers of false doctrine. We cannot get it from someone else’s interpretations, to suit whatever agenda they have sunk their teeth into. They will sink their teeth into our souls, if we let them.

We will not know the full mysteries of the Book of Revelation until Christ returns. If we did, we would not need faith, and faith is central to the lives of believers.

One of the things I find interesting is how much we are attracted to the dark side, instead of looking for the good, or the bright side. It seems there is a macabre fascination with the beast. The meaner, the uglier, the more depraved, the better. This gruesome sketchiness is not really better of course, but worse is better, when it comes to the darkness of human nature.

But if we don’t dig deeper, we skim the surface in total denial, which is not the answer either. Are we to smile sweetly, live a life of outward perfection and inward turmoil, nod our heads obediently, become increasingly anxious, and never under any circumstances rock the beliefs of our traditions, or brainwashing, or skepticism, or disgust with priests molesting children? How so?

Since I do have experience with some hard core dispensational brainwashing, I experienced what it leads to. It leads to a dark hole. There is so much fear, judgement, hypocrisy, deception, pious elitism, superiority, idolatry, back-stabbing, and double-crossing, the cognitive dissonance is unbearable. It is the bleakest doomsday doctrine. What a relief to realize it is a doctrine of devils.

I don’t care who believes in it, but I can give my own testimony and be glad to be free of the psychological, spiritual, and emotional distress it caused. Nothing could be further from the truth than what was espoused by Darby. Yet a high percentage of people still think it is the gospel truth. It is so filled with ugliness and exploitation, it takes our eyes off Christ. It is a based on nothing but a pack of lies.

Some of these religions take away all the good in the world, which is the opposite of what God tells us to do. The focus of false religions is beastly fear mongering, with a heavy dose of shame. They remove what is good, and substitute with their own pride. God does not do that. It is like they want to put others in hell just for the fun of it. They exalt themselves, so they can shame you into a deceptive belief system.

This is not to suggest all people who believe in false doctrine are evil or going to hell. Part of the learning, and part of the journey for many of us, is to struggle and wrestle with finding the truth. We have to overcome the deceptions we thought were truth. Often truth is revealed to us gradually, or through intuition, guiding us to doubt the message, and investigate what lies beneath. In this way, we finally see the glory of what is above us, not what is beneath us.

Apostasy is a falling away from the original covenants of God’s word, and His teaching. The rapture theology was invented by the scoundrel John Darby, in the mid 1800’s. It seems many of the really outrageous false doctrines and cults came from the same era. From the mid 1800’s to the early 1900’s, multiple cult doctrines took root. Keep in mind, this only represents a couple hundred years out of the entire history of mankind. The doomsday cults have had a heyday. It is also a time frame when many of the dark philosophers gained ground as well.

The gospel has warned believers many times “do not be deceived”. We should take heed. For nothing is as it seems. Personally, I do not believe in dispensational doctrine at all. I also do not believe that a Pope can forgive sin. Nor do I believe in a single anti-christ, a seven year tribulation, or a pre-tribulation rapture.

The reason I don’t believe in these things is because they are based on an ill-conceived man (or woman’s) interpretation of the gospel. We all have to read the Bible, and interpret it for ourselves. If we are sincere, and go straight to the source, we have a much better chance of knowing the truth. The ultimate admonishment is to take responsibility for our own beliefs, not follow the blind leading the blind.

We are in troubling and perilous times, but it does not mean there is an imminent one world order dished out by the elite globalists. They can try, as they have always tried – but it is next to impossible, and is not a true prophecy. I know many will quote verses about the beasts that rise out of the sea in the Book of Revelation – but in my opinion, those verses do not mean there will be a one world order. They seem to be talking about systems, kingdoms, and leaders throughout all of history – not a fabled destiny enshrined in the end times eschatology.

We are being given a message to repent. This is the central message we would be wise to heed. We are being shown a very broad scope of what was, what is, and what is to come. I am certainly no scholar, or Bible teacher. But I have found much more comfort and hope in the actual words written in the poetic language of the original 1611 KJV than any of the preaching or interpretations by man. No doubt there are millions who do figure it out, and who are honest and genuine in their interpretations. But millions more will fall by the wayside if they actually believe some of this stuff.

When I read verses describing how a little leaven leavens the whole lump, it has significant meaning on several different levels. It is telling us how much false teaching rises up, like adding yeast to a loaf of bread.

Metaphorically speaking, bread is what nurtures and sustains us. So we ought to make sure, we are not kneading (needing) the bread based on a recipe of false doctrine. It is a recipe for disaster. Deception is our greatest enemy. Only truth can overcome it.

There has never been a one world order, and there never will be – until Christ returns. Meanwhile, the secular world is trying to make us believe this is the goal and will be the outcome. They are trying to play god, and this one world order concept, is nothing but a rebellious attempt to replace and usurp the role of Christ. No one else is going to take over this world. Ask yourself if the current global elite are truthful? Is there one among them who knows the truth? If not, how can they take over? You have to be able to predict what lies ahead, in order to manage or control it. If they don’t know the truth – how can they control the outcome?

Therefore, even the atheists can acknowledge that a deceptive plot in the present, does not guarantee a certain future outcome. In fact, they are flying by the seat of their pants. In a spiritual sense, their pants are on fire, and the hot air of their own arrogance, is what is giving them the momentum. They themselves do not know the outcome of all this chaos they have created. You don’t get order out of creating chaos. You don’t increase entropy without altering energy. They have orchestrated a complete and total crap shoot.

We are watching it happen. We can see how important truth is, now more than ever before. The biggest bit of insight we can gift to ourselves right now – is to seek truth. Then we can trust God. By trusting God, we have more faith. We do not put our faith in man. We can be lifted out of the trap in our spirit and soul, because the carnal and secular world, is only a small segment of our reality.

The new world order is coming though, and when it does, it is the kingdom of God ruling, not the lofty, jet setting rich guys. So what message shall we send them? Repent. Be humbled. Because the wrath of God is but a heartbeat away.

The elites want to take everything away from us, so they can own it all – yet they do not realize, even their own breath does not belong to them. God breathed life into Adam when he created him. We are the breath and spirit of God’s creation. Our breath belongs to God. The Bible does say so. It also says that God takes it back when we die.

Even for those who do not believe or embrace the truth, our breath is our spirit, and is a gift from God. Where else did it come from? A fish in the sea, that developed legs and walked on land? Not likely…

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Valerie Hayes

Quiet West Vintage represents a private vintage and designer collection that has been gathered and stored over a thirty-five year period. I now look forward to sharing this collection and promoting the "Other Look" - a totally individualistic approach to style.