Happy Easter! Who Owns The World? God Does – He Is The One Who Made It

We have to endure so much strife, so much deception, and so much segregation over this topic. Who owns the world? We tend to think the richest, the political leaders, and those highfalutin exalted experts – are the ones who have the biggest piece of the pie. But do they?

The general idea is that a group of rich people are meeting each year, and planning to take charge completely, as in totalitarian rule. There is little doubt they are planning and scheming as usual. Many of their plans will seem to come to fruition. But it will not last, and likely will not turn out as expected. They are given a fair bit of time to come to their senses, only because God is patient.

The idea that we will own nothing and be happy, means the rich plan to get richer, as they gear up to take over all the assets. Who is they? Is it the WEF? Is it the list of billionaires, politicians, pharmaceutical executives, climate change gurus? Does anyone really believe they will not try to deceive each other? Therefore, they have no way of knowing what the outcomes will be. Who is going to be the king of that castle?

As they are gearing up for a great reset, they seem to know how to dismantle things – but do they know how to rebuild them? How does anyone rebuild what took hundreds, and sometimes thousands of years to build and become established? It is destructive, not constructive. The world has fewer resources than ever, so why tear down established systems? Energy comes in many different forms, and it takes energy to rebuild things, and lots of it. Energy is what changes entropy.

Entropy happens when there is a loss of energy to get work done. There is a lack of order and predictability as things gradually become disordered, and then chaotic. We are meant to keep things in order, or they will soon cease to function.

An example of entropy is evident in many (but not all) homeless camps. If there is a loss of energy that is normally directed toward self care, work, and the care of one’s surroundings – it leads to disorder. All organizations require energy to put things in order, and manage the upkeep.

At a time when we most need to direct energy toward maintaining and streamlining the order of our world, we have leaders who are creating disorder. The ultimate form of disorder is when people start rioting in the streets. The energy becomes volatile and destructive.

God consistently tells us to do good. In fact it is what we are supposed to do in order to overcome evil. We are best to put our energies into doing something constructive, and keep things in order.

This not only applies to infrastructure, but it applies to the longstanding laws, and values that have governed us since time began. In fact, our Constitution is based on a covenant agreement with God. Does anyone tamper with God’s covenant and get away with it? Personally, I don’t think so. One of the aspects of the great apostasy we are in right now – came from the shift in Christian beliefs from covenant theology to dispensational beliefs.

Dispensationalism is provably false doctrine. It came from a rewritten version of the Bible by John Darby in the 1800’s. All churchgoing people should dig a little deeper into the doctrine being taught at their place of worship. There are many warnings in the Bible (the authentic one) about following false doctrine and teachers. We should heed those warnings, and give due diligence to the truth, especially when it comes to those who change, add to, or take away from the Bible.

Whether we are rich or poor, if we have the love of God, we are assured of His care and guidance over our lives. Few things can beat peace of mind. For those who are into scheming up deceptions that bring harm to others – they really have little to look forward to, and much to fear.

For those who reject God, or get deceived by counterfeit motives, or the love of money – it’s a futile race. More money does translate into more power and influence. But does it bring peace of mind? How many places can one person live in? How large must it be? How many cars can one person drive? How many top grade steaks can one person eat? How many strawberries? How much fine wine can one person drink? Isn’t that what gluttony and debauchery is? Yet this type of attitude fills them with pride. Shouldn’t they at least ask themselves – is that wise?

What I find most astounding is that some of these ultra-rich men are getting old, and instead of getting wisdom, they just become more entrenched in their hubris. Someone should remind them – they are not taking any of it with them when they leave this world.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the rich-poor polarity, is how much wealth reinforces a sense of superiority. To an extent, people who work hard do deserve to own nice homes and have comfortable lifestyles.

But elitism to the detriment of others, is a different ball game. There is a disregard for the working class, yet it is very important for people to work, and provide for themselves and their families. These are among the most longstanding values of all. Work ethic applies to minimum wage workers and single mothers too. Anything that takes away a person’s livelihood without due process, is evil in my opinion. Stalin starved more people than he had executed.

Even if Christ does not return in our own lifetime, each day is one day closer to our own death and judgement day. In fact, when the sun comes up each day, only God knows what will happen on that particular day. This is on a global scale, as well as for individuals. If you are at or past the average age of death, which is around 80 years, each day is a gift, and could easily be the last day of your life.

Think of the surprise and shock we feel when someone we have known for a long time suddenly dies? In many cases, they did not know they were going to have a massive heart attack, stroke, or accident. It just happens. We don’t know the number of our days.

We seem to have an ever-increasing battle looming. On one side, is the battle for freedom. On the other side, is the battle for total control. If that’s not polarization, I don’t know what is.

Who is in control? Men who are rich and deceiving the public, each other, and the nations? They are deceiving themselves the most.

God abhors pride, lies, and greed. As much as anyone on earth takes over God’s domain, and does things that go against the Universal laws established by God when he created the Universe, it is only temporary.

No matter how much people rail against God, or deny the existence of God – one day, we will all know the truth. We cannot love God, if we refuse to seek and embrace the truth. It is a stressful time for people in leadership roles. There is controversy over everything, and over nothing at all. Divisive strategies keep us occupied, and do wonders when it comes to blame shifting and re-victimizing the marginalized.

Truth and freedom go hand in hand. Truth, love, wisdom, and freedom will eventually be restored to this earth, as God has promised. Christ was sent as a Saviour. He is risen, and will return. For those who have been mistreated by all the deception and scheming, justice will eventually prevail on this earth. In fact, justice is predetermined, and is already in motion. There are people on this earth who will serve God, and they will help facilitate justice.

What does the future hold for this earth in God’s plan? The sword will be turned into ploughshares, therefore we will be planting, and harvesting. All people will be taken care of. There will be no more sickness, violence, or death. We will have new bodies, and plenty of energy. We will live under Christ’s rule, and be humble. There will be plenty of music, gardening, cooking, learning, praising, serving one another with love, joyful socialization, truth, freedom to travel, and equality of intrinsic values among all people. Complete freedom will eventually come to this earth.

We are participants in the sea of humanity. It is kindness and mercy that gives us our humanity. Benevolence, altruism, and goodwill will carry us to the promised land.

We could wait another thousand years, or it could change in an instant “in the twinkling of an eye”. The Bible states the intensity of the battle will increase as it does like the contractions do when a woman is in labour.

Are we seeing the intensity increase? That’s a sign. Can we prove anything? No we cannot, or it would be pointless to have faith. Faith is not pointless – it is surety of belief and trusting in God.

There is not one person, or group of people on this earth who can change God’s plan over his own creation. Really – it is the best news mankind will ever know. Wait and see! Happy Easter.

Valerie Hayes

Quiet West Vintage represents a private vintage and designer collection that has been gathered and stored over a thirty-five year period. I now look forward to sharing this collection and promoting the "Other Look" - a totally individualistic approach to style.